Dr. Giuliano Giustarini (Mahidol University): Some notes on the Abhidhamma Vibhaṅga-mūlaṭīkā and Vibhaṅga-anuṭīkā
1 June 2022
Photo: Orna Almogi
16:00 June 01, 2022. Due to the coronavirus pandemic conducted online via Zoom.
The Vibhaṅga-mūlaṭīkā and the Vibhaṅga-anuṭīkā are two sub-commentaries of one of the seven books of the Pāli Abhidhamma-piṭaka, the Vibhaṅga, and the direct commentaries of its commentary, Buddhaghosa’s Sammohavinodanī. The Vibhaṅga-mūlaṭīkā is attributed to Ānanda and the -anuṭīkā to his well-known disciple Dhammapāla. In the section on the satipaṭṭhāna method, Ānanda proposes exegetical strategies to solve some seeming contradiction between Buddhaghosa’s interpretation of the Vibhaṅga and the Sutta’s framework that the Satipaṭṭhāna-vibhaṅga refers to. An examination of exemplary passages will shed light upon the originality of Ānanda’s thought and its influence on Dhammapāla’s commentaries.
- Click here to download the invitation [PDF]
The lecture is held online via Zoom. For those who whish to participate, please write a short mail to Prof. Dr. Wangchuk: dorji.wangchuk@uni-hamburg.de
Prof. Dr. Dorji Wangchuk (Director)
Khyentse Center for Tibetan Buddhist Textual Scholarship (KC-TBTS)
Abteilung für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets, AAI, Universität Hamburg
Alsterterrasse 1, D-20354 Hamburg