DHII & SAT, Tokyo
The KC-TBTS, the International Institute for Digital Humanities (DHII) , Tokyo, and theSAT [Saṃgaṇikīkṛtam Taiśotripiṭakam] Daizōkyō Text Database, University of Tokyo, initiated cooperation on the Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource (ITLR) project in 2010. The collaboration aims at developing and maintaining a database for the ITLR that would serve as a digital platform for researchers from the fields of classical Indology, Tibetology, and Buddhology dealing with Sanskrit/Indic-Tibetan lexical items and as a basis for collaboration among scholars worldwide from these related fields.
People Involved
- Prof. Masahiro Shimoda (University of Tokyo)
- Dr. Toru Tomabechi (DHII, Tokyo)
- Dr. Kiyonori Nagasaki (DHII, Tokyo)
Pune University
The Department of Pali, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India and the Khyentse Center, at the Department for Indian and Tibetan Studies, AAI, Universität Hamburg has started a cooperation between the Dictionary of Buddhist Technical Terms (DBTT) project and the Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource (ITLR) in August 2020. The collaboration aims at jointly publishing lexical entries with the ITLR serving as the digital platform. The DBTT deals with technical vocabulary specific to Buddhism available in three major languages, namely, Pāli, Sanskrit, and Tibetan. The dictionary particularly focuses on Pāli lexemes, with their English rendering, citations, and references. It then provides (whenever applicable and available) Sanskrit and Tibetan equivalents alongside citations and references.
People Involved
- Prof. Dr. Mahesh A. Deokar
- Dr. Lata Deokar
- Mrs. Snehal Kondhalkar
- Mr. Maheshwarsingh Negi
- Mr. Narender Bodh
Tsukuba University, IERLP - International Education and Research Laboratory Program
International Education and Research Laboratory Program for Indian and Tibetan Studies. Institute for Comparative Research in Human and Social Sciences (ICR).
People Involved
- Prof. Chizuko Yoshimizu
- Prof. Hidenori Sakuma
- Prof. Motoi Ono
- Prof. Taisei Shida
- Kensho Okada (Research Fellow, Tsukuba)
- Akira Sato (Research Fellow)
- Sayaka Kishi (Research Fellow, Hamburg/Tsukuba)
- Arihiro Kosaka (Graduate Student, Tsukuba)
- Akito Yokoyama (Graduate Student, Tsukuba)
Mie University
The Vikramaśīla Project conducted at Mie University under the guidance of Prof. Taiken Kyuma and the ITLR Project have started a collaboration in 2013 aiming at the compilation of Indo-Tibetan lexical elements. Within the framework of this cooperation the members of the Vikramaśīla Project have been compiling lexical elements, with a particular focus on titles of works and names of places and persons, for which the ITLR provides the digital platform.
People Involved
- Prof. Kazuo Kano (Koyasan University)
- Prof. Taiken Kyuma (Mie University)
- Prof. Izumi Miyazaki (University of Kyoto)
- Prof. Kaie Mochizuki (Minobusan University)
- Dr. Koichi Takahashi (Tokyo University)
- Dr. Ryugen Tanemura (Nishogakusha University
Centre for Bhutan Studies
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in 2012 between the Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies of the University of Hamburg and the Centre for Bhutan Studies (CBS), Thimphu, Bhutan, thereby agreeing to collaborate in promoting and pursuing cutting-edge text-based research on the intellectual history and intellectual culture of Bhutan’s Buddhist textual heritage and related material. As a first concrete step towards an active collaboration and in agreement with one of the declared visions of the KC-TBTS to train young students and traditional scholars to investigate Buddhist texts written in Classical Tibetan by means of historical-philological tools and techniques, the KC-TBTS, in collaboration with the CBS, has conducted in Thimphu the workshop “From Manuscripts & Xylographs to Modern Editions: Buddhist Textual Scholarship in Theory and Practice” in August 2013.
Further Cooperations