Dr. Jörg Heimbel
Jörg Heimbel studied Tibetology and Social Anthropology at the University of Göttingen and the University of Hamburg, where he received his Magister Artium in 2007 with a thesis on the life and works of the Fifth gDong thog sPrul sku bsTan pa’i rgyal mtshan (1933–2015). He received his PhD in Tibetology from the same university in 2014 with as doctoral thesis on the life and times of Ngor chen Kun dga’ bzang po (1382–1456), a revised version of which he published in 2017. During his doctoral research, he joined the Tibetan Language Program at Tibet University (TU), Lhasa, China, and was a research fellow at the Lumbini International Research Institute (LIRI), Lumbini, Nepal.
Since 2014 he is working at the University of Hamburg as a research associate and lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) for Classical and Colloquial Tibetan.
His field of interest lies in the cultural and religious history of the Tibetan cultural realm and its related literature. He has published articles on topics such as the history of the Ngor and Sakya traditions, Buddhist ascetic traditions, vegetarianism, book culture, and Tibetan art. His recent book publications are Vajradhara in Human Form: The Life and Times of Ngor chen Kun dga’ bzang po (2017) and The Ngor Branch Monastery of Go mig (sTeng rgyud) in Spiti (2019). He is the founder of Ngor’s Textual Treasures, an interactive web application presenting the results of an ongoing cataloguing project of a collection of manuscripts from Ngor monastery.
- Forthcoming. “The Biography of lHa btsun Rin chen rgya mtsho (1399–1449/57) and Its Significance for Tibetan Art History: Reassessing the Emergence of the mKhyen lugs and sMan lugs Traditions.”
- Forthcoming. “Classifying Funerary Commissions: Portrait Statues of the Great Abbots of Ngor.” In David Pritzker and Yannick Laurent (eds.), Tibetan and Himalayan Statuary across Time and Space. Proceedings of the 16th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Prague, 3–9 July 2022.
- 2023. “Nenying Monastery and Its Murals.” In Knud Larsen (ed.). Wall Painting in Tibet: History, Technique, Survivals, Environment. Langhus: Tronfjell Publications, pp. 176–183.
- 2023. “Piwang and Its Cave Paintings.” In Knud Larsen (ed.). Wall Painting in Tibet: History, Technique, Survivals, Environment. Langhus: Tronfjell Publications, pp. 260–287.
- 2023. Heimbel, Jörg and David P. Jackson. “Portraying the Lineage Masters of the Path with Its Fruit: Lowo Khenchen’s Description of Ngorchen’s Commission.” In Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Jue Liang, and William A. McGrath (eds.). Histories of Tibet: Essays in Honor of Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, pp. 55–93.
- 2022. Jörg Heimbel and Volker Caumanns. “The Ngor Court Chaplain of sDe dge: Documents Illustrating the Appointment of dPal ldan chos skyong (1702–1759).” In Christoph Cüppers, Karl-Heinz Everding, and Peter Schwieger (eds.). A Life in Tibetan Studies: Festschrift for Dieter Schuh at the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, pp. 239–374.
- 2021. “Portraits of the Great Abbots of Ngor: The Memorial or Death Anniversary Thangka (dus thang).” In Caumanns, Volker, Jörg Heimbel, Kazuo Kano and Alexander Schiller (eds.). Gateways to Tibetan Studies: A Collection of Essays in Honour of David P. Jackson on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. 2 vols. Indian and Tibetan Studies 12.1–2. Hamburg: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg, pp. 301–379. [Link: PDF]
- 2021. Caumanns, Volker, Jörg Heimbel, Kazuo Kano and Alexander Schiller (eds.). 2021. Gateways to Tibetan Studies: A Collection of Essays in Honour of David P. Jackson on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. 2 vols. Indian and Tibetan Studies 12.1–2. Hamburg: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg. [Link: PDF]
- 2020. “A Dialogue Between Text and Image: Examining the Historico-Religious Context of a Narrative Thangka Painting Depicting Episodes from the Life of Shar chen Rin chen mi ’gyur rgyal mtshan (1717–1780).” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tibetan Archaeology and Art, Part II. Journal of Tibetology 22: 275–298. [Link: PDF]
- 2020. “In Need of Donations: A Letter Written by Go rams pa to Encourage the Collecting of Offerings in Eastern Tibet.” In Bischoff, Jeannine, Petra Maurer and Charles Ramble (eds.), On a Day of a Month of the Fire Bird Year. Festschrift for Peter Schwieger on the occasion of his 65th Birthday. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, pp. 331–358. [Link: PDF]
- 2019. The Ngor Branch Monastery of Go mig (sTeng rgyud) in Spiti: Its Foundation and Place Within the Religious History of Western Tibet. In: Schuh, Dieter and Jörg Heimbel (eds.), Beiträge zur politischen Geschichte von Spiti zwischen 1629 und 1842 und zur Geschichte der Sa-skya-pa-Schule im äußersten Westen des tibetischen Hochlandes: Rechtsdokumente aus dem Kloster Gog-mig (~ sTeng-rgyud) in Spiti. 2. Teil: Beiträge von Jörg Heimbel. Monumenta Tibetica Historica, Abteilung III: Diplomata, Epistolae et Leges, Band 18 (2). Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (IITBS). [Link: PDF]
- 2019. Schuh, Dieter and Jörg Heimbel (eds.). Beiträge zur politischen Geschichte von Spiti zwischen 1629 und 1842 und zur Geschichte der Sa-skya-pa-Schule im äußersten Westen des tibetischen Hochlandes: Rechtsdokumente aus dem Kloster Gog-mig (~ sTeng-rgyud) in Spiti. 2 vols. Monumenta Tibetica Historica, Abteilung III: Diplomata, Epistolae et Leges, Band 18. Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (IITBS). [Link: PDF, PDF, PDF]
- 2019. “Ngorchen Künga Sangpo on the Faults of Alcohol and Meat.” In Geoffrey Barstow (ed.), The Faults of Meat: Tibetan Buddhist Writings on Vegetarianism. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, pp. 77–118.
- 2019 “Producing a Deluxe bKa’ ’gyur Manuscript Set at Ngor Monastery: The Commission (1601–1603) of Shar chen Byams pa Kun dga’ bkra shis.” In Volker Caumanns, Marta Sernesi, and Nikolai Solmsdorf (eds.), Unearthing Himalayan Treasures: Festschrift for Franz-Karl Ehrhard. Monographien zu den Sprachen und Literaturen des Indo-tibetischen Kulturraums 59. Marburg: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, pp. 219–233. [Link: PDF]
- 2018. Ngor’s Textual Treasures: A catalogue and research database. [Link: NTT]
- 2017. “The Dispute Between mKhas grub rJe and Ngor chen: Its Representation and Role in Tibetan Life-Writing.” In Volker Caumanns and Marta Sernesi (eds.), Fifteenth Century Tibet: Cultural Blossoming and Political Unrest. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, pp. 249–289. [Link: PDF]
- 2017. Vajradhara in Human Form: The Life and Times of Ngor chen Kun dga' bzang po. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute. [Link: PDF]
- 2016. Erhard, Franz Xaver, Jeannine Bischoff, Lewis Doney, Jörg Heimbel, and Emilia Sulek. “Preface: Ancient Currents, New Traditions,” In Franz Xaver Erhard et al. (eds.), Ancient Currents, New Traditions: Papers Presented at the Fourth International Seminar of Tibetologists. Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 37, pp. v–vii. Printed edition: Potsdam: Edition Tethys, 2017, pp. xi–xiii. [Link: PDF]
- 2016. Erhard, Franz Xaver, Jeannine Bischoff, Lewis Doney, Jörg Heimbel, and Emilia Sulek (eds.). Ancient Currents, New Traditions: Papers Presented at the Fourth International Seminar of Tibetologists. Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 37. Printed edition: Potsdam: Edition Tethys, 2017.
- 2015. “Sheja Zangpo,” The Treasury of Lives: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya. New York: Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation. [Link: Treasury of Lives]
- 2015. “Sabzang Pakpa Zhonnu Lodro,” The Treasury of Lives: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya. New York: Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation. [Link: Treasury of Lives]
- 2015. “Buddhaśrī,” The Treasury of Lives: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya. New York: Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation. [Link: Treasury of Lives]
- 2014. “Pelden Tsultrim,” The Treasury of Lives: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya. New York: Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation. [Link: Treasury of Lives]
- 2014. “Sanggye Puntsok,” The Treasury of Lives: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya. New York: Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation. [Link: Treasury of Lives]
- 2014. “Sharchen Yeshe Gyeltsen,” The Treasury of Lives: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya. New York: Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation. [Link: Treasury of Lives]
- 2013. “The Jo gdan tshogs sde bzhi: An Investigation into the History of the Four Monastic Communities in Śākyaśrībhadra’s Vinaya Tradition,” In Franz-Karl Ehrhard and Petra Maurer (eds.), Nepalica-Tibetica: Festgabe for Christoph Cüppers. 2 vols. Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung 28/1. Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH, vol. 1, pp. 187–242. [Link: PDF]
- 2012. “Ngor chen kun dga’ bzang po’i sku tshe’i lo rgyus la zhib ’jug byed skabs kyi rnam thar skor la cung zad dpyad pa.” Chos dung dkar po, Sa skya’i rtsom rig dus deb (Cho Dung Karpo, Sakya Literary Magazine) 8, pp. 7–36. [PDF]
- 2011. “Biographical Sources for Researching the Life of Ngor chen Kun dga’ bzang po (1382–1456).”Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 22, pp. 47–91. [PDF]
- 2005. “Ansammlungsfeld (tib.: tshogs zhing).” In Wulf Köpke and Bernd Schmelz (eds.), Die Welt des tibetischen Buddhismus. Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg, Neue Folge, Band 36. Hamburg: Museum für Völkerkunde, pp. 787–802.
Papers Presented
- 2023. “Tibetan Buddhist Funerary Commissions: A First Attempt to Classify the Sacred Art of Ngor.” 12.11.2023. Eighth International Conference on Tibetan Archaeology & Art, Zhejiang University Center for Buddhist Art, Hangzhou, China, 10.–13.11.2023.
- 2023. “Ngor chen Kun dga' bzang po and His Legacy in Western Tibet." 14.04.2023. Guest lecture, Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University, Sichuan University.
- 2022. “Portrait Statues at Ngor: A Text-based Classification Attempt.” 08.07.2022. Panel: Tibetan and Himalayan Statuary: Across Time and Space, Sixteenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Prague, Czech Republic, 03.–07.09.2022.
- 2022. “Introducing Ngor’s Textual Treasures: A Catalogue and Research Database.” 29.06.2022. Guest lecture, KC Lecture Series, Khyentse Center for Tibetan Buddhist Textual Scholarship (KC-TBTS), University of Hamburg.
- 2018. “Examining the Historico-religious Context of Some Ngor-related Works of Art: A Dialogue Between Text and Image.” 20.10.2018. Panel III, Seventh International Conference on Tibetan Archaeology and Art, Chengdu, China, 19–21.10.2018.
- 2018. “Producing a Deluxe bKa’ ’gyur Manuscript Set at Ngor Monastery: The Commission (1601–1603) of Shar chen Byams pa Kun dga’ bkra shis.” 04.09.2018. Panel: Manuscriptology, Fifth International Seminar of Young Tibetologists (ISYT), St. Petersburg, Russia, 03–07.09.2018.
- 2016. “Ngorchen Künga Zangpo and his Legacy in Mustang.” Circle of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, SOAS, University of London, 26.02.2016.
- 2015. “The Religious Controversy Between mKhas grub rJe and Ngor chen: Its Representation and Role in Tibetan Biographical Writing” 10.09.2015. Session: "Life-Writing,” The 4th International Seminar of Young Tibetologists (ISYT), September 7–12, 2015, Leipzig, Germany.
- 2015. "Ngor chen Kun dga’ bzang po (1382?1456): Troublemaker and/or Target of the Emerging dGe lugs pa?” 12.03.2015. Conference: Towards a History of 15th Century Tibet: Cultural Blossoming, Religious Fervour and Political Unrest, Lumbini International Research Institute (LIRI), Lumbini, Nepal, 09-14.03.2015.
- 2013. “Researching the Life and Times of Ngor chen Kun dga’ bzang po (1382–1456): Remarks on Recent Findings Emerging from Sa skya Related Research.” 24.07.2013. Panel: “Sakya Studies”, XIIIth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 21–27.07.2013.
- 2012. “Historical Overview of the Relation between the Kingdom of Glo bo (Mustang) and the Ngor Tradition.” The 3rd International Seminar of Young Tibetologists (ISYT), September 3–9, Kobe, Japan.
- 2012. “Initial Notes on the Early History of the Jo gdan tshogs pa sde bzhi.” The 5th Beijing International Seminar on Tibetan Studies (BISTS), August 1–5, Beijing, China.
- 2010. “The History of the Four Lama Palaces of Ngor (ngor gyi bla brang khag bzhi).” Lecture held at the 12th Seminary of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS), August 15, 2010, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
- 2009. “Sources for Researching the Life of Ngor chen Kun dga’ bzang po (1382–1456).” Lecture held at the International Seminar of Young Tibetologists (ISYT), September 7–11, 2009, Paris, France.
Movie Productions (as Translator)
- 2008. Yak! by Jan Kerckhoff. First Screening: 17.10.2009, 19:00–19:45 o’clock, Bayerische Fernsehen.
- 2008. Über die höchsten Pässe der Welt: Mit einer Yak-Karawane durchs Dolpo, by Jan Kerckhoff. First Screening: 04.02.2009, 19:00–19:45 o’clock, ARTE.